Maturitné témy z anglického jazyka

Maturitné témy na ústne maturitné skúšky z anglického jazyka v šk. roku 2003 / 2004 :

1. Over a Map of Great Britain
2. Alcatraz
3. Customs, Habits, Holidays and Festivals
4. Travelling by air, rail, cars
5. My daily programme, hobbies, interests, hobbies of British peopl
6. Canada
7. Education in Great Britain, Slovakia
8. Let's All work to Fight Drug Abuse
9. Australia
10. New Zeland
11. Prom in teh U.S.A.
12. Diferencs between adjectives and adverbs
13. Tallking about U.S.A. - history, geography, government, towns, industry
14. All about modal verbs
15. Ernest Hemingway
16. London
17. Modernt theodolites
18. The Channel Tunnel
19. British meal and ritish Mania for Tea
20. The Ford's Theatre
21. Sports and Games in Great Britany and the U.S.A., the history of the Olympics Games
22. Political System of Great Britany and the U.S.A.
23. King Arthur
24. Robin Hood
25. The statue of Liberty
26. Enviroment - ecology, enviromental problems, organizations
27. Walter Scott and his Abbotsford House
28. Family life and Way of Line in Great Britany and Slovakia
29. Conditionals sentences